Our silly little fights with the Town end on Day One of my term. Period.
Town residents are our merchants, our customers, our friends and our family. Our lives and property values are intertwined, our futures are mutually dependent.
I’ve built good relationships with Town Supervisor Schmitt and the other town council members. As Mayor, I will expand on that. Unlike my opponent, I don’t need a “Special Invitation” to work on real shared and cooperative services.
And remember, “Shared Services” does not mean we “abolish our court and just hand everything to the Town”. (Yep, our Village Board really did that --see below*)
Shared services means giving our road and garbage team some help – because no one works harder than they do – on a permanent basis. Shared means shared and we can save real money without giving up our identity or our autonomy.
*Look, we all just went thru a brutal fight on consolidation. I fought hard with people like Glenn Carey, Jeff Asher and others to keep the Village and Town separate. The results were overwhelming. Seven out of eight Villagers were against exactly things like abolishing our court. And don't fall for some argument about saving money. The Court was a teeny part of the budget -- we can save that money easily in other places.
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