All Trustee Meetings on Zoom/Facebook. No more "dial-ins" that no one can hear. No more calls dropping during the meetings.
Fewer executive Sessions and every Executive Session will have a detailed explanation for why it is happening. No more secret sessions.
Public comments at Trustee Meetings will be part of the record. No more "turning off the tape."
Agendas will be posted a week in advance – No more posting at 5PM for 7PM Meetings. And no more posting Minutes without proper attachments.
Meetings involving a change in any Law or any public hearing will be posted on Facebook, Instagram, NextDoor and Pawling Beet and not just in the PoJo.
We will end the practice of approving next year’s budget without even forecasting the current year’s final expenses.
Everyone in the Village will get a Mid-Year Budget Report to see how we are doing against our goals and why anything might be changing.
No more (secret) shifting money around mid-year to cover budget or forecasting mistakes. Yes. This happened in 2021. And it is just wrong.
Fund Balances (the money we have saved) will be clear and disclosed to everyone. It has not been discussed in a Trustee Meeting for years!
We will add a new budget line item called Community Fund and use it for enriching the lives of those who live in, work in and visit our village.
Repeal or fix Local Law #1 of 2018 - restore height and density restrictions in the Village center. This law is confusing, unpopular and helps no one.
Publish a road repaving schedule that obligates the road department to provide regular/impartial service. ("some roads get attention...some none")
Test every one of the our 70+ hydrants, color code them to denote output and operability. Spoiler alert....we have work to do on our hydrants.
Ensure franchise businesses are only allowed by special permit.
Offer incentives for open spaces and public benefits like public parking.
Restore our Building Department (we've had no inspector since January).
Offer opt-in discount or free "three-stream" recycling (we can afford it).
Be more mindful about our precious Great Swamp
Install two additional electric car charging stations by 2022.
Qualify for a Climate Smart Community Grant.
Create a Village Composting Station.
Appoint a Trustee Liaison to the Merchant‘s Committee and Chamber.
The Merchant’s Committee will receive a stipend from the Village. The Chamber will as well but with performance guarantees.
On Farmer’s Market/Second Saturdays we will ban parking on Charles Colman southbound and create new parking to improve foot traffic.
Establish a beautification fund to make our storefronts and Village Green even more welcoming.