In late July, as part of my role as the Chairman of the Village Planning Board, I explained to the owner of O’Connor’s Pub how he could make his COVID-Approved patio, permanent.
A few days later, I got a hand drawing of the patio and a cover sheet with O’Connor’s contact info directly from him so he would not have to go to Village Hall in the morning.
The next morning, the clerk properly time-stamped the paperwork and the Planning Board delayed any further actions because O’Connor’s was being sold.
On that pretense, members of the Planning Board, who are aligned with my political opponents, called for me to be “investigated for unethical actions.”
Had they called an attorney, they would have been told that there is absolutely nothing in State Law, Village Law or Case Law which would make what I did unethical much less illegal.
But they did not want that outcome. They wanted to cast a shadow on me.
They haven’t.
With your support, I will win on November 2nd and we can end this toxic atmosphere and replace it with a Government committed to service.
Thanks. If you have any questions, please reach out to me here. In the meantime. read the letter from my attorney below...
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