Our Village Mayor & Board sure act like they have something to hide. That has to end.
Why do they go into “executive sessions” (closed door meetings) almost every meeting?
Why do they wait till right before meetings to post agendas?
Why do they pass resolutions with no Board discussion?
There really are no good answers. And it is getting worse. In fact, so far this year, the Trustees have spent more time in Behind-Closed-Door Executive Sessions than in open meetings (I counted the minutes!). That is just inappropriate.
Our current leadership thinks that transparency is "sending out an alert when a pipe breaks or a tree falls." That's a good thing. But it is not transparency. In a few short months, my opponent has:
As Mayor I’ll make sure everyone knows about any new proposed laws way in advance. I'll never ever make a vendor decision or appoint a person to our Boards behind closed doors. We will post public hearing notices on all social media, on new community boards around the Village and on the Village Web Site. And, Minutes will be posted within the two week deadline. I want you involved!
We will send a letter to you every quarter explaining our water situation and telling you how much of your taxes have already been spent and on what. We will develop a Text Alert system to let you know about water-main breaks, bad weather, delayed garbage pick-up and plowing, meetings and more.
We will issue bulletins on what our sewer cost us and why. And we will issue other reports on safety of fire hydrants and if we need to fix them (spoiler alert…we do). And finally, we will post a list of every property owned by ever member of the Trustees, the Planning and Zoning Board our lawyers and vendors. Every single property.
You deserve all that. AND NOTHING LESS.
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