You can't see it because it is not there. One big reason is because I work day and night, reading documents, meeting with our lawyers, writing long memo's. Our Planning Board rejects applications because we all know that the "character of Pawling" is special, fragile and needs protection.
In 2018 the Village Board -- including my opponent -- voted to change the height and density restrictions in the Village. They passed a local law that had little real benefit and allowed developers to add a story as well as extra apartments to their buildings. We did not need that law. And we are paying for it already with Churches in the shadows and some approved but unbuilt buildings. And do not blame the developers. They are simply doing what they are allowed to do. It is an awful law, it hasn't worked at all (no new developers showed up in Pawling) and it does not reflect the ideas in our Master Plan or the desires of our community. I'll work on repealing it or clean it up starting on Day One.
Everyone agrees... we need more stores and more restaurants with what is called "a sense of place." Businesses that fit our special Village. Pawling Bread, Guadino's, Good Tidings and Quick Stop to name a few. As Mayor, I'll push to pass a simple law that makes franchise businesses (except grocery and pharmacy) much harder to get approved. We will reach out to small businesses in surrounding communities and real create incentives for them to come here. And we will change our zoning to reward smaller multi-family residences -- not bigger ones. We will work with the Town to make sure our community has good sam housing for our elderly residents. That's smart development.
Ee do not have an adequate and permanent water supply. We have a temporary permit and still not enough water for the type of Pawling-fit projects like the things above...and they simply can't because we don't have the water. Read how I'll attack that on Day One here....(learn more about water)
Our future is a reliable water supply, small shops, food places with outdoor seating. As Planning Board Chair I helped Top House get a permanent outdoor patio and will help O'Connors as well. ) Our future is a Route 22 Segment with NO Malls or Big Stores.
Our future is smaller multi-family buildings that do not impede traffic. Our future is a Village Green that expands the Sense of Place. The sense of Pawling Village.
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